How to start with Gods Unchained?

6th July 2021 at 5:58pm

Let us get going.

So you just found Gods Unchained and want to just starting playing. Never heard of cryptocurrency or maybe you have. Never played a Trading Card Game before? That's OK I'm here to help.

First thing you will need to do is register an account on Gods Unchained open the pack (looks like a book) offered by dragging the book to the stand and revealing all the cards.

Input your information. Create a username, add email, password, check I wanted rewards and accept the terms and conditions. Click Create Account.

Now Immutable is going to email you to verify your account. Click the verification link in the email. It will take you to a login in page. That will auto-start the game download on most computers.

It will ask you to sign-in with Portis wallet or you can use some other crypto wallet. If you already have one you can do this otherwise ignore it for now. You won't need a crypto wallet to play and get a feel for the game.

Getting the game.

Once the game has finished downloading. Run the program and it will install the game. Once the game is installed and running it will prompt you to login with your new credentials. Followed a display of a few of the gods you can play as. Click Next.

You will then see the Arena view. It will prompt you to finish opening your packs. To do this click on the temple near the top-left and drag the book to the stand like we did to create your account. Once you have revealed all the cards in all packs.

Getting to the Match.

Then click Arena in the top-left. Now you're thinking we have to be ready. And you would be right. We are ready to play a Solo match. That is a match against the computer. This should show in the bottom 2/3 of the screen on the right or center kind of like a post card. If you can't find it in the center there one card stacked on top of another in the center. Click the bottom one.

Once it is on top and visible you will pick a deck by clicking choose deck. I'm going to pick your first deck for you. You are going to pick the War Starter. Next do the same for Choose AI Deck. Click Start. The game will shift to a loading screen.

The next you will see God Power screen. Select Onslaught. Click Confirm below the God Power list. This is the most commonly suggested starter deck and god power. It is the easiest to pick up and start learning with in my opinion.

Next we will see the Mulligan screen. What is important here is having low mana cost cards. As you play more you will grow familiar which cards you will want more often. You can see the mana cost in the top-left corner of each card. As well as the strength and health in the bottom-left and bottom right respectively. Click any card with a cost more than 3. If you only have cards with 3 mana cost than click 2 of them. Then Click Confirm.

Actually Playing.

Now as you play in solo mode you have all the time in the world to think about your moves, but more importantly time to read the cards. Read every card until you know what it does just by seeing it.

Your screen now shows starting from the left-center. Your opponents deck, Name/Info, their god, god power, mana level, and void. The same in the bottom half of the screen, but they are yours.

Read the cards in your hand and start playing. Play in solo mode until you have beaten it at least three times. That will give you enough of the basics under your belt. Then play constructed or ranked constructed on the weekend event against real people. You will find that playing against a human is much more enjoyable and rewarding when you win.


  • Key Terminology will help you understand what all those weird words on the cards mean.

  • Bags of Tricks of all sizes unlock one mana lock and refill one mana.

  • Constructed and Ranked Constructed have timed turns.

  • While Gods Unchained is in Beta it is important to read the cards every time since there is typically a balance update every week.

  • If you attack a creature with a relic it does damage to your god.

When do I need a crypto wallet?

You can play for a good while with just the starter decks. When you get tired of those decks or just want to build your own. Then is the time that having a wallet will become essential. There is a whole set of cards that you can only purchase on the open market.

Last Call.

Hopefully this gives you everything you need to know to start playing the awesome game that is Gods Unchained with all the rest of us. There is a learning curve and it will take some time if you have never previously play other TCGs or not. Best of luck to you. See you next time.
